Overview of all Management & Leadership topics for thesis project

Find management and leadership research topics in various themes such as organisational behavior, team dynamics, leadership strategies, change management, crisis management, organisational decision-making, and much more! Begin your thesis journey right here.

  • Roskilde University
  • Master of Science
  • Spring 2024
Roskilde University






Collaboration and communication between different departments in a medium-size or larger company.

How can collaboration and communication between different departments in a company be optimized using theories from advanced organizational theory and leadership, in order to increase the company's overall productivity and efficiency?

Many different companies experience conflicts of interest between their various departments and issues in collaboration among them. My interest will be: What specific measures can be implemented to improve coordination between these departments, and how can these measures be measured and evaluated for their effectiveness? (Based on relevant academic theories from organisational theory and leadership)...

  • Aarhus University
  • Master of Arts
  • Spring 2024
Aarhus University







Change management: AI implementation in HR

How to successfully implement AI in HR

""I'm currently pursuing a master's degree in International Business Communication at Aarhus University. As I approach my dissertation in spring 2024, I wish to collaborate with an international company with English as its corporate language on a project focusing on change management, particularly the implementation of AI in HR. AI represents a significant change within HR and the future workforce. Over time, AI will become an indispensable tool that we cannot afford to overlook. However, the u...

  • Other
  • Spring 2024


Developement of a quality management system of an organization

Case study

This thesis will be applied to any organization that would like to improve processes, certificate activities or get a new competitive advantage, by implementing quality system based on ISO 9001 or integrated management system....

  • Copenhagen Business School
  • Bachelor
  • Spring 2023
Copenhagen Business School


Improving internal services

Management control systems

Customer service

Implementing internal customer service to enhance business performance

Rethinking and implementing a strategic approach towards improving internal services.

With relevance to Management control systems and Strategy in a service perspective the interest of our bachelor thesis is shaped from the problems of internal service within organisations. How management and control systems within organisations affect employees, culture and performance thus affecting implimentation of strategies within the firm. Furthermore to examine the employee satisfaction and the correlation it has with a sustainable competitve advantage of the company.    ...

  • Aarhus University
  • Master
  • Spring 2023
Aarhus University


organizational challenges


technical security


Are your organisation prepared for the next cyber attack?

How to manage the many organizational challenges related to cyber security

Did you know that many cyber security attacks on organizations occur not due to a lack of technical security measures, but rather due to human factors. Therefore, to effectively prepare for the growing threat landscape, organizations must address challenges related to processes, leadership, communication, and awareness. We are currently in the very beginning of our process on deciding the main focus of our thesis why we are very open to suggestions from your organization. This means that you hav...

  • IT University of Copenhagen
  • Master
  • Spring 2023
IT University of Copenhagen


software engineering

dependency management

third-party dependency

software development

dependency network

Third-party dependency management

What it takes to strengthen third-party dependency management in a software ecosystem?

What developer hasn’t heard of Dependency Hell or struggled with dependency management?  In my experience in the industry, I was frequently faced with lack of guidelines, prioritization and updates automation of the software dependencies that lead to severe complications in completing software.  Hence, this experience sparked my interest in conducting empirical research addressing dependency management practices. For this, I’m looking for a company that is interested in lea...

  • Copenhagen Business School
  • Candidate
  • Fall 2021
Copenhagen Business School



transformation journey


change management

cross-functional teams

Best practices to successfully execute a cross-departmental and/or cross-border agile transformation

How to successfully execute a transformation towards agile?

Introduction I am interested to study the process international companies undertake when going through a partial or full agile transformation (i.e. scrum, backlog management, use of digital tools, changing the working culture and mindset towards agile). The reasoning behind this approach is that there are increasing pressures for companies to transition towards agile practices but practitioners often lack guidance on how to do. Additionally, the change in employees' mindsets necessary for agile ...

  • Roskilde University
  • Candidate
  • Spring 2023
Roskilde University




Organisational culture

Organisational culture and leadership

The communicative leader

We are a group of four students, that are seeking to establish a collaboration with an organisation.  Our interests lies within the communicative field, primarily regarding management and organisational culture. We are seeking a collaboration from which we are granted access to an organisation, that allows us to investigae current strengths and potential dillemas and challenges that the organisation may have, regarding management and culture. Our methodological approach will initially be 2-...

  • Copenhagen Business School
  • Master
  • Spring 2023
Copenhagen Business School



Digitilzation strategies

Change management

Digitalization strategy: Analysis of its framework and development and application of a digital transformation template

The role of management to facilitate the transition towards a successful digitalization strategy execution.

Digitalization strategies in the frame of servitized companies, with special reference to the barriers and problems to its application, given that there are external and internal enabling factors that can be or can not be controlled by the organisation, with the perspective of analysing empirical data and gather relevant theory about how to create a canvas that can show the set of factors that can be measured, studied, and controlled by the organisation, according to the theoretical frameworks o...

  • Aarhus University
  • Master
  • Spring 2022
Aarhus University



Knowledge management

Expert knowledge

Knowledge sharing


Utilizing expert knowledge held by employees by facilitating knowledge sharing

An investigation of what barriers exists in person-to-person expert knowledge sharing to break these down and utilize the expert knowledge held in individual employees.

My interest lies within knowledge management and how organizations with a (primarily) 'personalization' knowledge management strategy can facilitate knowledge sharing by discovering and hereafter breaking down barriers. I am open to altering the content of the thesis to fit the needs and wants of a collaborative partner organization....

  • Copenhagen Business School
  • Candidate
  • Spring 2022
Copenhagen Business School







Optimizing intergroup collaboration

Understanding intergroup leadership from a relational leadership perspective

The theme of the research will be on intergroup leadership with a special focus on the different forms of leadership occurring when two or more groups are made to work together. The setting is optimally found in a pre-merger stage or in an organizational or inter-organizational project. To create a proper understanding, a broad variety of concepts will be utilized such as various understandings of identity work, the ingroup/outgroup trade-off in leadership, and psychological empowerment. This wi...

  • Aalborg University
  • Candidate
  • Spring 2023
Aalborg University


Learning and development

Innovative change



Organizational change and development

An analysis of how to support innovative change/development in organizations implementing new strategies or in M&A's processes.

I am looking to write a thesis within the field of innovative change, organizational culture, leraning and development in collaboration with a company.  The content is not decided on yet, since I value the collaborative process and I take interest in the needs of my future collaborative company.  Keywords for interests:  Innovative change, development and organizational cultural processes in a given company   Suggestions for thesis topic:   M&A's: - How does it affcet th...

  • University of Southern Denmark
  • Master
  • Spring 2023
University of Southern Denmark




competitive advantage

Flexibility versus efficiency

What factors determine whether you focus on flexibility, efficiency, or both?

Research Question (not done, still being revised):  Which factors affect the trade-off between efficiency and flexibility?Size (revenue, employees, countries, divisions), industry (by industry code), type of product (Service, subscription, manufacturing), whether it is public or private, When should you focus on efficiency rather than flexibility?Through available theories and the survey results we  Method: We would like to create a survey that would be distributed to all SMEs wit...

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