Bachelor or Master thesis in collaboration with a company

Write your Bachelor or Master thesis in collaboration with a company
100% for free through Excelerate.

Sign up. Upload your project proposal and be matched. Collaborate.

Step 1 Sign up

Create student profile and fill in relevant information about your study background and research interests.

  Thesis Collaboration Matching step 1: Create student profile

Step 2 Get matched

Upload your project proposal and we match it with relevant companies in your industry and research area.

Thesis Collaboration Matching step 2: Upload project proposal

Step 3 Collaborate

Companies contact you through Excelerate. Meet the company, align expectations, and start collaborating.

Thesis Collaboration Matching step 3: Collaborate with company

Michelle’s experience with writing her thesis with a company

What a thesis collaboration can do for students

Meet the former Master student Michelle.

Michelle finished her Master’s degree at Aalborg University in Sustainable Design. She is an excellent example of why you should write your thesis in collaboration with a company.

Watch the video to hear about Michelle’s experience with writing her thesis in collaboration with Gladsaxe Municipality.

Be like Michelle. Jumpstart your career through a Master’s thesis collaboration.

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Why you should collaborate with a company on your thesis

Having a limited network can easily be a limitation for you in the transition to a full-time dream job when you finish your studies. And as a student, your network and connection to the business world is often times limited.

There can be many reasons for your narrow experience and network within your specific field. Perhaps you have not prioritized working a job relevant to your studies or maybe just not have had the opportunity.

Your lack of a professional network makes it difficult for you to get in touch with the right companies and people – whether that be in the hopes of landing a thesis collaboration or perhaps a future dream job. This is exactly why you should kickstart your career by collaborating with an interesting thesis company when writing your Bachelor or Master thesis.

At Excelerate, you can forget all about the problem of a limited professional network. Our platform helps you get in touch with interesting companies within your field of study – completely free of charge.

Student researching why you should collaborate with a company on your thesis

Writing your thesis project with a company kickstarts your career

Thesis collaboration between a student and a company

The best way you can get access to the right companies and business world as a student is by building a bridge already before you finish your studies. A great way to do so is by writing your thesis project with a relevant company. A company you could imagine yourself working after you graduate. At Excelerate we make this possible.

A company project collaboration means that you get a smooth transition from student to a full-time employee. At the same time, you give yourself the opportunity to land a dream job directly after your studies. So you don’t end up in a position you’re overqualified for or don’t fit in.

On the Excelerate platform you get to collaborate with a company interested in the same research and thesis topics as you. You will be working closely together with the company on-site for the months you are writing your thesis.

The direct contact and interaction with the company and employees gives you exciting career opportunities within the company. If it’s a good match you are most likely offered a job at the in the company after your collaboration ends.

Who knows – maybe your dream job will end up being in the company where you wrote your bachelor or master’s thesis?

A company thesis collaboration increases your chances of employment

The majority of companies in Denmark hire graduates in a full-time position if they have previously collaborated with the student. This could for example be a student job, an internship, or a bachelor or master thesis collaboration.

In other words, this means that you, as a soon-to-be graduate, significantly increase your chances of being employed in a full-time position if you already know the company from your time as a student.

In fact, it is the case that every fifth full-time employment of a recent graduate in Denmark takes place as a result of a bachelor’s or master’s thesis collaboration. A statistic we at Excelerate do everything for you to be a part of.

Sign up for Excelerate for FREE and kickstart your career even before you become a graduate. Who knows, maybe your thesis topic and collaboration will help you land your dream job?

Student at job interview after thesis collaboration

FAQ – Thesis collaborations through Excelerate

Find frequently asked questions and answers about thesis collaborations and Excelerate or reach out to us at:

Can all university students in Denmark find a thesis collaboration through Excelerate?

Yes! Regardless of which university in Denmark you study at you can find a thesis collaboration through Excelerate.

Find more information about thesis collaborations in Denmark at your university below:
Thesis collaborations for CBS students
Thesis collaborations for ITU students
Thesis collaborations for KU students
Thesis collaborations for DTU students
Thesis collaborations for AAU students

How do I find a thesis company for a thesis collaboration on Excelerate?

Upload your project proposal on Excelerate and we match you with relevant companies in your industry and research area. Thesis companies will contact you directly through Excelerate if they are interested in a collaboration. Find thesis companies here.

How long does it take before a company reaches out to me?

This is a difficult question to answer as it can vary greatly. It can take a day, a week, or a month. It can take one day, one week, or one month. It depends on when in the semester you start searching for a company and also when you have set the start date of the project collaboration.

What can I do to be contacted by thesis companies?

Companies contact you based on your Excelerate profile and/or your thesis project proposal.

Want to find thesis companies yourself actively? Use Excelerate to find thesis companies with open thesis collaborations.

Can I invite my study group to my project proposal?

Yes! And it is actually important that you invite your study group members to your project proposal.

You invite your fellow students to your project presentation at the last step in the creation. You can also add more members to your already uploaded project. Go to your thesis topic > “members” > add emails on your study group member.

All your study profiles are visible to companies on Excelerate.

What does a thesis company expect from a thesis collaboration?

At the first meeting with the company, you will have the opportunity to discuss the formalities and the terms of your thesis collaboration. This way, both your and the company’s expectations are met.

If you have specific requirements and interests in the thesis collaboration, let the company know to meet your needs and avoid misunderstanding.

Find career tips and guidance on the Excelerate career blog.

Does Excelerate have thesis collaborations in Copenhagen?

Yes! Excelerate collaborates with a number of companies that have thesis positions in Copenhagen, Greater Copenhagen, and the surrounding area.

You can find both Bachelor and Master thesis collaborations in Copenhagen on Excelerate

Can I use Excelerate to find both thesis collaborations and jobs?

Yes. Excelerate helps you to meet companies and find project collaborations on your bachelor’s or master’s degree that many times leads to a job offer at the company after the collaboration ends. Whether it is a part-time or full-time job offer.

What does “Excelerate” mean?

Excelerate means when someone succeeds at something so quickly, they excelerate. The meaning of Excelerate comes from the combination of the words “Excel” and “Accelerate”.

Accelerate means “to move faster” or “to gain speed”. The word accelerate is especially used to explain when a moving object, e.g., a vehicle, begins to move more quickly or at a faster pace (than planned).

Excel means “to be superior to” or “surpass in accomplishment or achievement”. The word Excel is used to explain when someone or something is exceptionally good at or proficient in an activity or subject.

Excelerate events

  • Wednedsay
  • 10.00 – 14.00
  • April 3

Excelerate Connect 2024

An exclusive matchmaking event in Copenhagen only for Exceleraters.
Find thesis collaborations, student jobs, internships, graduate jobs, and much more!

  • Thu – Fri
  • 16.00 – 21.00
  • 5. & 6. okt.

Speciale Festivalen 2023

A free and unique mini-festival where 75 candidates present their Thesis projects.

Join among 1000 other curious students, researchers, companies, and other enthusiasts.

  • Wednesday
  • 15.00 – 17.00
  • April 26

Thesis workshop: Excelerate X Novo Nordisk

Join our thesis workshop and be inspired by Excelerate and Novo Nordisk employees to kickstart your thesis writing and find thesis collaboration opportunities.