The go-to thesis inspiration platform to find thesis topic ideas and examples for students. Explore 150+ Bachelor and Master thesis topic examples.
156 thesis topics
Spring 2025
HA almen i Erhvervsøkonomi
Projektet er ikke fastbesluttet endnu og kan stadig ændres. Dette projekt har til formål at undersøge og analysere ud f...
Spring 2025
Cand.soc. i Uddannelsesvidenskab
Vi er Anne, Kasper og Sarah, og er studerende på kandidatuddannelsen i Uddannelsesvidenskab ved Aarhus Universitet, Camp...
Spring 2025
BSc i Digital Design og Interaktive Teknologier
Vi er to studerende fra Digital Design og Interaktive Teknologier på IT-Universitetet i København, der på vores sjette s...
Spring 2025
BSc Diplomingeniør i Proces og Innovation
Projektet er fokuseret på at udvikle en pellet ekstruder, der kan bruges af almindelige 3D-printbrugere til at printe di...
Spring 2025
Cand.merc.pol. i International Business and Politics
Circular economy, supply chains, and reporting standards are my main areas of focus
Spring 2024
Cand.merc. i Virksomhedsledelse
Many different companies experience conflicts of interest between their various departments and issues in collaboration ...
Fall 2024
Cand.mag. i Film og Medievidenskab
In this thesis, we will explore the complex phenomenon of franchise fatigue within today's film industry. Franchise fati...
Fall 2024
In the course of my seminar work on "Current Issues of Business Administration," I found the topic of "Mergers and Acqui...
Fall 2024
MSc in Engineering (Sustainable Energy)
How the pandemic lockdowns affected global CO2 levels by 'pausing' a lot of carbon emitting activities, such as transpor...
Fall 2024
MSc in Engineering (Sustainable Energy)
How climate change has affected energy consumption for countries, companies and the general public? How the economy of p...
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Explore good ideas and examples of thesis topics in 24 different research areas and themes. All thesis topics examples and ideas are created by students to find a Bachelor or Master thesis collaboration through Excelerate.
Ready to kickstart your thesis writing? Follow our guide below on how to choose a thesis topic or find tips on choosing the perfect topic for your thesis.
Choosing a thesis topic is a difficult but essential step on your thesis journey. Your choice of topic not only determines the direction of your research but is also what needs to keep you motivated and satisfied throughout your thesis writing process.
To help you choose a good topic for your Bachelor’s or Master’s, here is our step-by-step guide on choosing a good thesis topic.
At the beginning of your thesis journey reflect upon your research interests and personal passions.
What interesting research topics and subjects have consistently fascinated you throughout your studies? Think about your courses, readings, previous projects, and research papers that have inspired and sparked your curiosity in the past.
Use online thesis topic databases like to search for interesting topics created by other students and researchers. This way you explore new perspectives and ideas for your thesis project.
Remember, you’ll be spending a huge amount of time investigating and delving deep into your topic. It’s important that your topic genuinely excites you to keep you motivated while writing your thesis.
Once you’ve identified your research topic interests, conduct a thorough literature review in your chosen research field.
Familiarise yourself with the existing research, ongoing debates and discussions, and potential gaps in the current knowledge. Look at recent publications, research paper topics, and emerging trends in the field.
This approach will not only help you gain a deeper understanding but also identify potential research questions or areas that require further exploration. Perhaps a thesis topic you could dig deeper into in your project?
By now you hopefully have a rough idea of the direction your thesis project is going. Discuss your research ideas and initial thoughts with your academic supervisor, professors, and fellow students to receive constructive feedback.
You shouldn’t hesitate to ask your academic advisors and peers for suggestions and recommendations. Their research expertise and knowledge can give you valuable insights to help you get started with your thesis.
It’s time to clearly outline your project’s research goals and objectives. What are the specific questions you want to answer? What is the scope of your thesis? It’s essential that you are realistic about the resources and time available for your research.
You only have 6 to 12 months to write your thesis. Ensure that your thesis topic is not too broad or too narrow. Try to strike a balance that allows you for in-depth analysis within the scope of your research.
At this point in the process, it’s time to assess the practicality and feasibility of your chosen thesis topic.
Are the necessary resources and data available to you? Do you for example have access to libraries, databases, laboratory equipment, search materials, and archives? Consider also your methodology for collecting the data. Will you need to conduct surveys, interviews, experiments, or collect historical data?
Data collection is time-consuming. It’s crucial that you have a clear plan for your data collection so you realistically obtain the data you need within the time frame of your thesis project.
That’s the way to go! You’re now at the final step of choosing the best thesis topic for your project.
All you have to do now is consult with your thesis supervisor to make any final adjustments and get your thesis topic approved.
We wish you the best of luck with your thesis writing. We root for you!
What is the best topic for your thesis? That depends on your interests, passions, and future goals. Here are questions to consider and tips on finding the best thesis topic.
The best topic for your thesis aligns with your personal interests and passions. Pursuing research on a topic that genuinely intrigues you will keep you motivated throughout your thesis writing and lead to a more meaningful project. Think about what excites you within your field and explore research questions that pique your curiosity.
The best thesis topic is relevant to your field of study. Your research topic should address a specific issue or contribute to a broader conversation within your discipline. Pick a topic that is meaningful and has the potential to advance knowledge, challenge existing theories, or offer practical solutions to real-world problems. Think about how your research can fill a gap in current knowledge.
The best research topic for your thesis is aligned with your future academic and/or career goals. Ask yourself: What are your short-term and long-term goals and aspirations? Your thesis project provides you with invaluable experience and expertise in your chosen research field and industry. The best topic for you is used as a stepping stone towards your future endeavours and career.
Looking for more inspiration? Check out our 8 tips for finding the perfect thesis topic.
Below you will find articles related to thesis writing.
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