Overview of all psychology topics for a research project

Find psychology research and thesis topics in themes such as cognitive neuroscience, clinical psychology, social behavior, developmental psychology, mental health, and much more! Unfold your curiosity here.

  • Other
  • Spring 2024

Orgnizational Change


Workplace Development

Meaning making

Organizaitonal Psychology

Motivation for Organizational Change

"I want to investiugate the motivation  from employees for organizational change within the organization. I could either investigate the motivation for an nogoing change or measuer the general motivaiton for any potential change. "...

  • Copenhagen Business School
  • Bachelor
  • Spring 2023
Copenhagen Business School


Influence of technology

Transformation of work

Technology and employment

The transformation of work due to technology

How the influence of technology has helped some organisations prosper and which tradeoffs this growth/implementation of technology implies for the employer and employee

A brief summary: Transformation of work and employment facilitated by the exponential growth of technology We would like to find a company to collaborate with, that has been a first-mover and has taken advantage of the benefits that come with the implementation of technology in the organisation. This includes higher efficiency, increased performance, and cutting down on working hours/automatisation but also the tradeoffs that might occur such as increased surveillance, employees practising self-...

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