Overview of all Political Science thesis topics

Find political science research topics and themes related to international relations, policy analysis, comparative politics, political theory, governance, and more! Unfold your political thesis journey here.

  • University of Copenhagen
  • Candidate
  • Fall 2022
University of Copenhagen



Political Communication




Branding the EU

How is the image of the organization constructed?

In the light of several crises in the last two decades, there is an increasing need for the EU to brand and communicate itself. Both in order to keep its own citizens attached to the project of European integration, but also to brand itself externally on the international stage to establish itself as a global player to a higher extend. This falls into a trend of a “PR-isation of politics” (Schwak 2018:651), where both states and international organisations increasingly market themsel...

  • Technical University of Denmark
  • Master
  • Spring 2023
Technical University of Denmark


Market cannibalism

Energy and renewables markets

EU policies

Political incentives

Market cannibalism in the European Energy Market

 As Europe proceeds towards the Green Deal 2050, market cannibalism in the energy sector may remove baseload from the system. How can the weather phenomenon Dunkelflaute result in a total blackout for the 2035-2040 electricity market?   

(Suggestion) The master thesis will research how EU policies will result in market cannibalism for baseload providers, its effects on national energy security, and what the solutions may be. Utilizing my background within renewables, energy markets, and system integration of wind power.  My profound interest in this topic and my fascination with the EU energy markets and renewables, have led me to this topic. This is one of the biggest problems the European electricity market will face in t...

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