Strategic analysis and valuation
A strategic analysis and possible valuation of a company / industry
Thesis project description
The project is very flexible and will defined with the company, however i wish to work within internationalization. This could be your company seeking to enter a new market, wanting to expanding existing operations to another country, open a new fabric or production in a new country.
I wish to include elements like:
Managerial value of the research
My project could potentially have a great impact on your company and the industry as a whole. This knowledge would be available to you as our partner before any of the other players in the field would have the same insights. I believe this will be very valuable and of great competitive advantage and will include concretete strategic and financial recomendations and implementable initiatives
Research topic motivation
I would love to work with a company where i can have an actual impact and provide genuine value with my project. A possible 10-page consultancy report could also be delivered.
Why collaborate with us
I am a master’s student (MSc) in International Business at Copenhagen Business School where I study economics, finance and strategy. Most of the study and projects take place in groups, and I am therefore good at working in teams and cooperate with other people to achieve a common goal. Furthermore, i have a job background within sales, accounting, banking and consulting.
Project information
Project type
Thesis project
Collaboration semester
Spring 2022
Collaboration duration
19 to 31 weeks.
Collaboration start date
Number of student
Collaboration language
Danish, English
Interested in a collaboration?
Project Researcher #1
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Project collaboration proposals
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