"43% of cyber attacks are aimed at small businesses, but only 14% are prepared to defend themselves" [1] is a shocking but important statistic.As the cyber threat keeps growing, the modern organization needs to be prepared, as ignoring these threats can cause financial and reputational damage. It is simply something that cannot be ignored.Recent events, such as the Covid-19 outbreak has caused an organizational change in many companies around the world. "Home office" or remote work has become very normal, and both employees and employers are enjoying the benefits. However, this introduces some unanticipated risks and situations.I am looking to collaborate with a company, preferably an IT-consulting company or a company with many IT-related activities, to explore the potential cyber security risks within the company or at a client. My approach is always tangible, hands-on, and I believe that I can provide value with the background I have. While this is an academic project, I believe that my personal interest in the topic will be a great asset to the partner organization.The focus will be on the technical part and the economic consequences (damage). The secondary focus will be on the organizational part, i.e. how to handle these risks and make sure that people have an incentive to follow the IT guidelines.My topic is not final, and it is subject to change. However, this is the direction that I would like to go in. If a company does not necessarily find the topic(s) appealing, I am open for suggestions or modifications - as long as the main topics are IT, economics, and organization.[1] https://www.embroker.com/blog/cyber-attack-statistics/
Specific recommendations, and possibly implementation of said recommendations, will be the result of the thesis. These recommendations could potentially be new and useful information that my partner company will have access to.Furthermore, having an external person look at something in the organization will in most cases result in new perspectives and approaches being discussed. This is usually mutually beneficial.
My motivation is very simple. I like figuring out how things work "behind the scenes", which is why I chose this degree. Now, being able to apply it to a real life case and provide value to a third-party company (you) is amplifying this motivation even further.I could have chosen many other topics/areas, but cyber security is the perfect intersection between business and IT - 2 of my favorite topics/areas.Furthermore, I have previously also helped Danish companies implement data security solutions, worked with a bit of manual pentesting, and I regularly find hacked websites and notify the owners of the breach. Doing this is one of my hobbies, but doing this or similar things for my thesis work is even more motivating.
While there might be others with a similar thesis or current education, I believe that it is highly unlikely that you will be able to find someone with multiple years of real full-time work experience, genuine interest in the topic, and excellent academic performance.I am a very dedicated, ambitious, and a proactive person that focuses on providing long-term value.
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