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Valuation of a company

Valuation of a company within the courses finance, economics and marketing

Project Description

Hi, We are a group of three student from Roskilde University, that want to make a valuation of a company. Where we compare the market value with the book value that we through the thesis will try to valuate. (one way, if it is not listed on the stock exchange, that is fine as well) The thesis will contain a strategic analysis of the company and industry operates in. A analysis of the companies financial statements for the past five years. This will help with the estimated forecast that will be the fundamental of future forecast for us to discount back to present time.And finally a valuation of the company, where we want to use Discounted Cash Flow model, calculate our own Beta, free risk rate, market premium to calculate CAPM and WACC. With cooperation with a company, we can build a strong thesis. Where the empirical and data will consist of primary and secondary data. We hope to get information, so we can build a revunue build for the future for us to discount.  The thesis would not only help us as student to develop our skills but it could also be helpful for the company to get some insight from a consultant's perspective of the value of the company.  The thesis can be made public with permission from the company. If not it will only be available for us three students and two examinators.  We hope you as a company is interested and want to work with us.  Thanks for your attention.  

Managerial value of the research

The thesis will not only help us student to develop our skills within the field but also give you and insight from a consultant's perspective, to help you with future projects and how to make a strategic plan for the future.  We will take the roles as a consultant to help you and see the company from another perspective. 

Research topic motivation

The motivation for this thesis from us, is that we are interested in finance in general and investments. We want to develop our skills within the field of finance. A cooperation would be greatly helpful for the thesis, but also for us to actually work with a company to give us an insight of how it works. Not only from an academic standpoint, but with a cooperation with you this could help us to understand how financial consultants work in the field.

Why collaborate with us

Why us? Well we will provide the a two way cooperation the thesis will not only help us but also you as a company. It is free work and the only thing we want is your time. We are not clueless about valuation of a company, last semester we also made a valuation of company and all got great grades. The only thing we missed for that thesis was a cooperation with the company to get data we won't find anywhere else. We all have cooperated with a company for our thesis on our forth semester and therefor have the knowledge, respect and ethical standards for you as a company. 

Project researcher #1

Talent bio

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Passion and motivation

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