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Karrieremuligheder i Clean

Karrieremuligheder (1)

Om os

Clean is The Danish Water and Environmental Cluster and our vision is for Danish companies to be world leaders in the water and environmental field. We are the innovation space for both those who develop water and environmental solutions and those who need to solve water and environmental challenges.


Ingeniørvidenskab, Teknologi & Energi
IT, Data & Tech
Økonomi & Forretningsrådgivning
Marketing, Kommunikation & PR
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Environmental Services


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Lær Clean at kende

Innovation, growth og cleantech

In The Danish Water and Environment cluster, small and medium-sized companies meet with large companies, entrepreneurs, utilities, municipalities, regions and knowledge institutions. What they all have in common is that they work with Water in the Technosphere, Climate Adaptation, Air, Resources and/or Soil, Water & Nature.

Together with strong partners, we open doors for innovation and business opportunities nationally and internationally, and accelerate business growth and the green transition.

We support the growth and employment of water and environmental companies through knowledge dissemination & competence development, matchmaking & networking, collaborative projects and internationalization.

What is a cluster?

A cluster is a key instrument in the overall Danish innovation and business development system. A cluster is a business and/or technology community of companies, public actors, knowledge institutions, industry organizations and others who work together to create development and innovation within a sector and to accelerate growth and value creation. The collaboration is motivated by the fact that it provides competitive advantages that individual companies cannot achieve on their own.


We are a private-public company co-financed by the Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science, the Danish Business Promotion Agency and the European Union. Through projects, innovation and strong partnerships, we work with Danish water and environmental technology companies.

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