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Branding the EU

How is the image of the organization constructed?


In the light of several crises in the last two decades, there is an increasing need for the EU to brand and communicate itself. Both in order to keep its own citizens attached to the project of European integration, but also to brand itself externally on the international stage to establish itself as a global player to a higher extend. This falls into a trend of a “PR-isation of politics” (Schwak 2018:651), where both states and international organisations increasingly market themselves. Therefore, I want to answer the question of what branding and communications strategy the EU uses in my thesis. And how have these strategies developed over time?   Theoretically, I on the one hand want to apply Nye’s theory of soft power, as the use of branding as a foreign policy strategy arguably falls into Nye’s definition of soft power. Connected to this, I also want to look theoretical concepts of nation-branding by e.g. Anholt, that are built on the idea of competition in the “global market place of nations”, and apply them to the EU (also to identify the differences in branding a nation and a supranational organization).

Forretningsmæssig værdi

The thesis can provide insights into how international organisations create and communicate an image and brand identity for themselves and which obstacles need to be overcome. I believe this can provide valuable insights for companies working in the field of (political) communication. 

Emne motivation

My motivation for choosing this topic is that it combines two interest areas of mine: During the whole duration of my studies I focused on EU politics. The concepts of (nation-)branding and political communication are of particular interest to me, as I have professional experience from the areas of communication and PR, which is what I want to work with going forward. 

Hvorfor samarbejde med os

I have written several projects on both EU politics as well as political communication, combined with professional experience, means I bring profound background knowledge in these fields to the table. I am a dedicated and hard-working student that will go the extra-length to achieve the wanted result. 

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