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The transformation of work due to technology

How the influence of technology has helped some organisations prosper and which tradeoffs this growth/implementation of technology implies for the employer and employee


A brief summary: Transformation of work and employment facilitated by the exponential growth of technologyWe would like to find a company to collaborate with, that has been a first-mover and has taken advantage of the benefits that come with the implementation of technology in the organisation. This includes higher efficiency, increased performance, and cutting down on working hours/automatisation but also the tradeoffs that might occur such as increased surveillance, employees practising self-discipline as well as the ethical implications that this implies. What we am looking for:- A company that is a first-mover when it comes to implementing technology and/or has experienced a lot of growth over the recent years that has led to organisational changes.- Employees to interview about their work and routines- Managers/leaders to interview about their position and the challenges/benefits of being a person with influence/authority. - Pros & cons of technology. How has it improved the company and/or which challenges has it posed/have you overcome?  Companies we had in mind:- Hummel- Nemlig.com/currier- Wolt/currier- Gorillas/currier- JustEat/currier- Accountant- Truck drivers/Post Nord (monitoring devices)   

Forretningsmæssig værdi

The value this thesis will provide is that it will give the company insight into how technology can work for them and not against them. There is a huge discussion going on in regard to which role technology should play, but one thing is for sure: if you don't get on the ride, it will have devastating effects on the company and its future survival as the implementation of technology will help determine who the frontrunners, who will shape the future, will be...Here, we want to research how technology should be used and implemented whilst casting light on the overseen consequences it can have, and how best the company can overcome these. We know that employee satisfaction is highly important in keeping employees longer in the company, and therefore the organisation has a lot to gain when it comes to getting a deeper understanding of how employees experience the change of work as well as the implementation of technology. We, therefore, wish to talk to both employers and especially employees from all layers of the organisation, so we get a representative picture of how organisational changes (facilitated by technology) affect the different layers of the organisation. 

Emne motivation

My line of study is HA(Psyk) and so I already have an immense interest in work and employment as well as organisation. During my 4th semester, I had a course named "Digitalization & Organisation", where I learned about technology, AI, and how it has shaped the way we live and work. During my exchange semester in Lisbon, I did courses such as "Applied Data Science" and "Organizational Sociology" where the influence of technology and how it can improve and automize work processes very naturally played a big part in class. All of this, as well as a natural interest in surveillance and Foucault, has inspired me to want to delve deeper into this topic and do extensive research in an organizational setting to hopefully help shape my understanding of this matter. As this is so essential in a world where technology is paving the way. I intend to work with this in the future and help create better working conditions for employees that will come from a better understanding of the implications technology can cause. I would like to be able to help companies make use of the many benefits of increased use of technology and tools, whilst combatting the hidden consequences based on the knowledge I hope to gain from this research. 

Hvorfor samarbejde med os

I bring an immense interest in the topic to the table which is a big driving force. I take a genuine, interest-driven approach in this topic of technology and employment, where I intend to put my existing knowledge to good use which I've gained through my studies over the past 2,5 years. I know that technology is here to stay, so I seek to learn more about how companies best adapt to this and make technology work to their advantage whilst maintaining employee satisfaction. As an example, I learned about the scandal of Nemlig.com, where the media were quick to paint a very negative picture of technology in this company. I would like to use this opportunity to also research and educate others on how companies and employees can make use of technology to their advantage whilst keeping their privacy and not compromising on employees' working conditions. 

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