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Organizational change and development

An analysis of how to support innovative change/development in organizations implementing new strategies or in M&A's processes.


I am looking to write a thesis within the field of innovative change, organizational culture, leraning and development in collaboration with a company. The content is not decided on yet, since I value the collaborative process and I take interest in the needs of my future collaborative company. Keywords for interests: Innovative change, development and organizational cultural processes in a given company Suggestions for thesis topic: M&A's:- How does it affcet the company culture?- How does two cultures succed in merging? New strategies and /or change of organization:- How to implement new strategies?- What changes when changing strategies?- How to make changes meaningfull? New work life structures:- 4 days workweek- Hybrid workplaces- time theory 

Forretningsmæssig værdi

We can offer you research, knowlegde and analysis of the changes that you company is facing. Our field of innovative change will give you new tools and will shed a light on challenges and opportunities in the changing process that is your companys reality.If you are in the processes of Mergers and Acquisitions, our analysis can help the processes of combining cultures, which will create mor effeciency and happier employees. If you are in the process of implementing new strategies, we can examine what the best practice would be for implementing your strategi at you precise company. No 2 companies are alike. We believe this will be very valuable and of great interest in a marcet in constant change.

Emne motivation

I am a trained teacher and have worked with learning, education and development for many years. My greates passion is to use that knowlegde in combination with my new academic organizational knowlegde on innovative change and development in organizations. Innovative change, organizational learning and development is ever-evolving and will never stop. Whenever the world changes, we and our socitty's organizations must be able to change as well - this is what makes my field so exciting. It will never be unnecessary. In addition I get to work with the latest research and findings and combine it with my vast experience as a mediator and organizor which is very motivating.

Hvorfor samarbejde med os

By working with me and my partner, you get a unique combination of a greatly experienced teacher and a master's degree in Learning and Change Processes at Aalborg University. My partner also has great experinece in management and advisement.As a company, you get two soon to be graduated academics with more than 35 years of experience together. Our experience covers fields such as management, relational analysis, mediator, learning, develoment, recruiting, development of employee/leadercompetences etc. In us you get a uniqu combination and since we work together as a pair, you will not have to guide us and "show us the ropes" - we are selfsuffiecient and experienced woman in the field of innovative change. 

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