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Organisational culture and leadership

The communicative leader


We are a group of four students, that are seeking to establish a collaboration with an organisation. Our interests lies within the communicative field, primarily regarding management and organisational culture. We are seeking a collaboration from which we are granted access to an organisation, that allows us to investigae current strengths and potential dillemas and challenges that the organisation may have, regarding management and culture.Our methodological approach will initially be 2-4 observations and subsequently, interviews with 3-5 coworkers of 45 minutes to 1 hour each. We are interested in making our collaboration beneficial for both parties. We are open to inputs and wishes regarding the specific empirical focus of the assignment.

Forretningsmæssig værdi

We strive to produce a thesis that is beneficial for both parties.Furthermore, we realise that it requires an allocation of ressources for the company to make this collaboration succeed - which is why we want to make it worth it.The results of our thesis will provide the organisation with insights into their everyday life at work. It can help to uncover underlying assumptions in the cultural landscape and effectivise the communication of the managaer. Furthermore, we wish to provide you with a product which would be a short version of the thesis. In this version, we will outline the most important findings, make it understandable and usable. 

Emne motivation

We have all worked with this specific topic throughout of studies in communications, and we all find it particularly interesting.We are amazed as to how complex the culture of organisations are - and therefore how complex it is to change and better it.We are motivated to learn more about organisational cultures, and the only way we find this possible, is by collaborating with an organisation. 

Hvorfor samarbejde med os

As a group, we are passionate about the subject. We will strive to bring you the sharpest insight into your organisation - and we guarantee that this will be of substantial use to you. Although we will take up a small amount of your time, we provice you with free academic force - minimal effort, maximum outcome.

Projektforsker #1

Talent bio

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Passion og motivation

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  • Talent bio
  • Uddannelsesbaggrund
  • Kurser og resultater
  • Hard og soft skills
  • Erhvervserfaring

    Projektoplæg til samarbejde

  • Projektbeskrivelse
  • Emne motivation
  • Ledelsesmæssig værdi
  • Samarbejdspitch
  • Vedhæftede talentprofiler
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