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Digitalization strategy: Analysis of its framework and development and application of a digital transformation template

The role of management to facilitate the transition towards a successful digitalization strategy execution.


Digitalization strategies in the frame of servitized companies, with special reference to the barriers and problems to its application, given that there are external and internal enabling factors that can be or can not be controlled by the organisation, with the perspective of analysing empirical data and gather relevant theory about how to create a canvas that can show the set of factors that can be measured, studied, and controlled by the organisation, according to the theoretical frameworks of Service-dominant logic and the holistic Digital Transformation (especially post-covid-19).

Forretningsmæssig værdi

By gathering theory that explains the digitalization and servitization phenomenons. While gathering empirial data from different organizations and industries in different stages of such transformation I aim to create a comprehensive general view of the components that will enable a succesfull revision, planning, and, finally, execution of the strategies.The final knowledge will be summarized in a canvas that will facilitate the understanding of the level of digitalization the studied organizations is, and the enabling factors that can be addressed to achieve success.Your organization will understand the level of digitalization and will be able to set the ground base of a revisited digitalization strategy.

Emne motivation

I have an extensive experience working with digital communication and marketing strategy for startups and solopreneurs. The startup universe is creative, horizontal, open, and dynamic. Is it also highly digitalized.I decided to enrol in the Service Management master at CBS to bring some of the estartup traits to the corporate world, which will be definitely benefitial for the employees and the overall adaptation of the organization to the increasingly servitized and digitalized industries worldwide.Because I feel passionata about facilitating the adaptation of creative solutions for teams and organizations to solve most human barriers I believe my thesis can help solve this pain that most big organizations have to some extent.

Hvorfor samarbejde med os

The unique combination of:- My extensive broad experience working as a digital communication strategist for small companies, and as a freelance helping small companies and solopreneurs to create their digital path and persona, branding and communication strategy.- My recent education in Service Management especialized in digital tranformations of servitized organizations, - My international background (Fluent in three european languages - studyig my fourth-, experience working in an international environment and experience living in Spain, France, and Denmark.Makes me a good candidate to add value to a team by bringing new ideas and methods, enabling co-creation, and facilitating optimization and creation of strategies for digital transformation in the context of servitization.

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