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Collaboration and communication between different departments in a medium-size or larger company.

How can collaboration and communication between different departments in a company be optimized using theories from advanced organizational theory and leadership, in order to increase the company's overall productivity and efficiency?


Many different companies experience conflicts of interest between their various departments and issues in collaboration among them. My interest will be: What specific measures can be implemented to improve coordination between these departments, and how can these measures be measured and evaluated for their effectiveness? (Based on relevant academic theories from organisational theory and leadership)

Forretningsmæssig værdi

The suggested topic area of my thesis offers significant value for a potential collaboration company in several ways:

Enhanced Efficiency and Productivity: By implementing specific measures to improve coordination between departments, the company can streamline processes, reduce duplication of efforts, and enhance overall efficiency and productivity.

Improved Communication: Addressing issues in collaboration and communication can lead to clearer and more effective information flow, reducing misunderstandings and conflicts, and fostering a more harmonious work environment.

Better Resource Allocation: Optimized coordination allows for better allocation of resources, ensuring that both production and sales departments have what they need to operate effectively, ultimately leading to cost savings and improved financial performance.

Increased Innovation and Flexibility: A well-coordinated effort between departments can lead to more innovative solutions and a quicker response to market changes, giving the company a competitive edge.

Enhanced Customer Satisfaction: Improved collaboration can lead to better product quality and faster delivery times, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Data-Driven Decision Making: By measuring and evaluating the effectiveness of the implemented measures, the company can use data-driven insights to make informed decisions and continuously improve their processes.

Employee Morale and Retention: Effective communication and reduced conflict can improve employee morale and job satisfaction, leading to higher retention rates and a more committed workforce.

Overall, tackling this topic helps a potential collaboration company build a more cohesive, efficient, and innovative organization that is better equipped to achieve its strategic goals and maintain a competitive advantage.

Emne motivation

My motivation to write about this topic stems from several key interests and experiences:

Professional Relevance: With a background in International Sales and Marketing, and currently studying Business Administration and Leadership, I recognize the critical importance of effective interdepartmental collaboration in driving a company’s success.

Real-World Impact: Many companies face challenges related to coordination and communication between departments. By exploring and proposing solutions to these issues, I can contribute to meaningful improvements in organizational efficiency and productivity.

Passion for Problem-Solving: I am driven by a desire to solve complex problems. Analyzing how advanced organizational theories can be applied to improve real-world business scenarios aligns with my ambition to continuously learn and apply new knowledge.

Personal Experience: Having witnessed or experienced the friction that can arise from poor interdepartmental communication, I am keen to explore strategies that can mitigate these issues and create more harmonious and productive work environments.

Academic and Career Growth: Delving into this topic allows me to deepen my understanding of organizational dynamics and leadership principles, which are essential for my academic growth and future career in business management.

Impact on Company Performance: I am motivated by the potential to influence company performance positively. Effective collaboration can lead to significant improvements in efficiency, innovation, and customer satisfaction, which are all crucial for a company’s long-term success.

By writing about this topic, I hope to contribute valuable insights that can help companies optimize their operations and achieve their strategic goals. 

Hvorfor samarbejde med os

I can contribute with extensive international experience from roles in marketing, sales, business development, administration, communication, and more. This diverse background has taught me how to collaborate effectively with people from different cultures, promoting understanding and teamwork in multicultural environments.In my academic journey, I've studied organizational theory and leadership management, which gives me a strong foundation to tackle complex challenges within organizations.

Being fluent in three languages allows me to communicate clearly across different countries and cultures, which is crucial for global business interactions.I have a strong work ethic, dedication to achieving high standards, curiosity, and passion for continuous learning. These qualities drive me to find creative solutions and contribute positively to the growth and success of any organization.

Projektforsker #1

Talent bio

I hold a bachelor's degree in International Sales and Marketing from 2018 and am currently studying Business Administration and Leadership (Virksomhedsledelse) at Roskilde University. In my spare time, I enjoy sports, playing the drums, traveling, and reading. These interests keep me active, creative, and continually learning.

Passion og motivation

I have a diverse experience background in sales, marketing, business development, customer service, and administrative tasks. My ambitious nature drives me to constantly seek new knowledge and skills, and I approach every task with dedication and enthusiasm.

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