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Are your organisation prepared for the next cyber attack?

How to manage the many organizational challenges related to cyber security


Did you know that many cyber security attacks on organizations occur not due to a lack of technical security measures, but rather due to human factors. Therefore, to effectively prepare for the growing threat landscape, organizations must address challenges related to processes, leadership, communication, and awareness.We are currently in the very beginning of our process on deciding the main focus of our thesis why we are very open to suggestions from your organization. This means that you have the opportunity to get quite a big influence on us exploring a topic specifically relevant to your organization. Though we have not yet scoped the focus, we are particularly interested in exploring topics related to cultural, communicational, and management perspectives, as well as change management and employee awareness.Studying ITKO (IT, communication and organization), our research centers around the interaction between humans and technology, and we take a holistic approach that considers both the technological, human and organizational aspects of a problem or challenge. So how is this relevant for you? Maybe you are a company facing future changes related to cyber security and are unsure of where and how to start, or maybe you are already in the process of organizational changes but faces many challenges in the process that you would like us to dive into. Maybe you have already made changes, but you are still not reaching your goals. It could also be that you are unsure on how to communicate and manage awareness on cyber security to your employees or if you are in need of a CISO or other competences in the organization. Either way we are very interested in hearing from you on the possibility for a thesis collaboration! 

Forretningsmæssig værdi

There's no way around it; every organisation needs to be prepared for the many threaths related to cyber security. This is expected from both costumers, business insurance companies, stakeholders, investors and governments. For businesses, it is no longer a question of whether a hack happens, but when it happens. Therefore a lot of initiatives needs to be taken into action, and there is no one-size-fits all. This project can create value for your organisation as we look into causes and effects in your specific organisational context. This will bring you one step forward to implementing the relevant initiatives needed specifically for your organisation. 

Emne motivation

We have chosen to write our thesis on cyber security based on our personal and professional interests and goals. Both of us aspire to establish careers in the field and believe that cybersecurity in organizations and the evolving risk landscape are under-prioritized. We believe that a greater focus is necessary on the current state of cybersecurity, organizational needs, and the potential consequences of threats. Our belief is that cybersecurity is more about people than technology, making this topic an ideal match for our interests and skills as we strive to research this growing problem from angles such as; communication, leadership, management, culture and more. One member of our team is already professionally invested in the field, while the other seeks to establish a career in it.  In summary, our interests in cybersecurity and the reasons behind it drive our motivation to collaborate with you and write a comprehensive and thorough thesis. Our hope is to enhance the cyber security measures of your organization and hopefully provide a solution for its management. 

Hvorfor samarbejde med os

As ITKO students, we bring a broad variation of knowledge to the thesis, including an expertise in IT, communication and organization. Our holistic perspective allows us to understand how the different aspects of technology and human factors interact within an organizational context, and how to combine these to create business impact and enable value aligned with the overall business strategy. As mentioned, we are personally and professionally invested in the topic of cybersecurity. We aim to combine this passion with the knowledge and skills gained through our education. Our thesis represents an opportunity for us to showcase our capabilities to you and the industry at large. We aim to provide valuable insights and solutions through our research that can be implemented within your organization to enhance its cybersecurity measure. 

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