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Co-creation of innovation between companies and start-ups

Innovation and Entrepreneurship


We are interested in researching the connection between startups and companies and how this collaboration process can bring value to both companies and startups.We would like to explore what the process looks like and how it can be optimized. We are also curious to research how long-term partnerships can be established.The companies we are interested in collaborating with have collaborated on a solution with a startup or companies that mediate this connection. 

Forretningsmæssig værdi

For companies: We can provide research about how to co-create solutions between startups and companies. We would like to look into the current process and see how it can be made more efficient. We are open to looking into specific areas that you might have problems with and using theory to create a framework you could implement.

Emne motivation

We are studying Master's in Organizational Innovation and Entrepreneurship at CBS and we have learnt a lot about companies and startups. Since we have studied the two sides separately, we would like to explore the connection between those two.

Hvorfor samarbejde med os

From the team perspective, we have experience working together on projects during our Master's degree. We have had courses about design thinking, innovation and prototyping, which we believe are useful for the co-creation process between companies and startups. Moreover, we can use our experience from a Study Trip in Silicon Valley, which we have been to this summer, that gave us insight into how important it is to foster innovation and collaboration.We also have experience from both the startup and corporate world as we have been working on our startup and we also have student positions in tech corporates.

Projektforsker #1

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  • Talent bio
  • Uddannelsesbaggrund
  • Kurser og resultater
  • Hard og soft skills
  • Erhvervserfaring

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  • Emne motivation
  • Ledelsesmæssig værdi
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