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UX Design in Digital Development

A case study focusing on user involvement in digital development to improve user experiences


We are looking for a partner to collaborate with for our thesis, to investigate a concrete case where we can use our methodologies from UX Design and digital design in general. We have a philosophy that is based on the assumption that user involvement enhances the user experiences. 

Forretningsmæssig værdi

Depending on which case and company we will collaborate with, we can contribute with innovation, prototypes, wireframes, user insights, design guidelines, or alike.

Emne motivation

We are all studying on Digital Design and Interactive Technologies at the IT University of Copenhagen, with a specialization in UX Design. Previous collaborations with companies both on bachelor's and master's level have shown to be rewarding both personally and professionally. Using our methods in practice with real problems, makes us strive for developing innovation and solutions that can actually be used. 

Hvorfor samarbejde med os

We are all specializing in UX Design, but come with different bachelor degrees. We have collaborated with companies such as Lån & Spar Bank, NetHire, DSB, Boliga, Ballerup Library, and Bioteket, to name a few. We wish to find a company that values great communication throughout the process and is invested to support us with insights to improve user experiences within their company.

Projektforsker #1

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  • Hard og soft skills
  • Erhvervserfaring

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