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Participatory IT Design

Preliminary study in IT transformation


In recent years a lot of organizations are looking towards IT to solve business and organizational related problems. This means a lot of time and money are spend on a variety of projects, some with more success than others.This project is preliminary study of such a situation.Using the MUST-method, the project examines the feasibility of a future or existing IT solution to a given problem.The MUST-method is a hollistic approah where all affected parties in the organization is included, and are taking into account when finding the right solution. This includes management, end-users, customers and implementers.Further more the business environment and strategy is assesed to justify the cost of a given solution, that is sustainable within the organization.The end goal of the project is a to give an organization a recommendation, of how to proceed from an IT perspective.

Forretningsmæssig værdi

A collaboration with us will potentially save an organization or company a lot resources. Both financial and human resources.The MUST-method have several times proven to create new insights and steer projects in a new direction, if needed, before a lot of resources are spend. Furthermore it often exposes unseen connections within a organisation that were previously hidden. These insight are relevant and important in order to ensure the success of a project.Since we have a big interest in ensuring healthy IT projects, we can offer a fresh set of eyes and a fresh perspective, while applying our ressources in a manner that benefits both the collaborator and us.

Emne motivation

In our studies we have experienced that a lot of software and tech-projects are started without a sound foundation, proper assessment of the environment, and ends up with a discrepancy between the desired and the actual solution.But through our studies we have acquired a set of tools, to accomodate these issues. We would very much like to put these to use in a real-world environment.

Hvorfor samarbejde med os

We are two students that have both experienced the real world before studying IT, which means that we are driven, engaged and focused.We view IT as a tool to solve some problems but not all. Our background as software students at the IT University, puts us in a unique position. We are capable of balancing between the advantages of IT and it's limitations.

Projektforsker #1

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