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Human-ML Augmentation

How to improve fairness when augmenting human decisions with Machine Learning


MIS QuarterlyThe thesis will investigate how Machine Learning influences excisting Information Systems theories and their notions of fairness in collaboration and decision making. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning is already widely used and will be applied even more in the future. Sometimes machines are taught human biases and even extend those on a larger scale, this needs to be prevented by creating models sensitive to fairness. However in other cases machines and algorithms can ensure that humans make fair decisions independent of bias and preferences. The overall level of fairness is assumed to be bett if humand and ML interact. This particular reasearch area has not been investigated in depth and there are mutliple study approaches that could answer interesting questions. 

Forretningsmæssig værdi

Improiving fairness in decision making and AI/ML applied in the business and social context will bring benefit to society as we are already affected by it. It can help businesses to make better and fairer deicisions while contributing to mitigate discrimination and social problems. 

Emne motivation

The value that this thesis brings is also my motviation to do it. I am further interested to stay in the research domain and investigate the topic further. In this area of study a new research stream for Infromation Systems could emerge, thus it gives me the perspective to potentially work on it during a PhD program. 

Hvorfor samarbejde med os

I am a motivated student with international experiences and work experience. As soon as I start something I am very dedicated to it and would like to finish is with excellency. Considering that I would extend the research beyong the master thesis is a chance to realize larger projects and long-term cooperations while gaining benefits along the way. I had mutliple courses within the field and have a broad background knowledge that I will consolidate to answer specific questions. I will not hand in a work that is not at least satisfactory for all parties and I am willing to put in the time and work to achieve this goal. 

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