Research Aim: The aim of the research is to investigate X's cyber risk management approach in relation to implementing and maintaining the NIS2-directive's minimum security measures to ensure high level security in EU.
Digitalisation is currently a hot topic in the EU, as NIS and NIS2 Directives have arisen to achieve a high level of cybersecurity. However, these directives and the speed at which they must be met are a double-edged sword. Though it allows for better connections and eases in monitoring the daily online activity of Member States that share a common interest in cybersecurity, the regulations are rather slow to adapt to the quickly changing nature of ICT systems. Further, every Member State has different levels of digitalisation and different resources at its disposal to reach and maintain a high common level of digitalisation.This research work explores the extent to which cybersecurity risk-management measures in light of the NIS2 Directive are effectively monitored, developed, and practiced by X.The knowledge and insights my thesis provides will be available to you, since you will be my thesis-partner, before any other players in your field/industry. I believe that this can be very valuable and of potentially give you a great competitive advantage.
My motivation to write within cybersecurity and compliance comes from my work experience and current job. I have been in the industry for three and a half years and invested most of my time on work and progressing my skills to stand out. I'm very determined, structured and precise with everything I do, and I always work to get the most valued results.
I have worked with cybersecurity for three years in an international IT company. I have gained a lot of experience and skills from the different projects that I have been either leading or delivering on. If needed, more information can be send or check my LinkedIn.
I’m a big family person, so I spent a lot of my time with my family and I do a lot of sport which has been a part of my life since I was a very young kid. I have played football on a high level for 10 years, and after an injury, I have been doing Jujutsu, played golf, and now I run and go to the gym.
I’m passionate about working with people who are motivated to make a change, do an effort and accomplish goals. I’m a very precise person who like to plan out the workflow and have an overview of the situation. I’m also open for continuous development along the road with spontaneous changes that must be done to accomplish a milestone as part of a project. So basically it’s a mix of working with the two methods: waterfall and agile.
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