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Creating a business reporting app, as a method of quick response to threats

Nowadays proper information is crucial to achieve success - how coding can help us with it


My idea is to write about giving a proper information about e.g. amount of sold products to the team and managersd. My field of study is Data Science, so I want to create an app which will automate process of informing management about organisation's results.My idea is to begin why it is crucial to inform a team frequently and indroducing main methods to do so (including review literature and comparing different methods of doing it).Later my idea is to move to methodology where I will create and test the app created in e.g. VBA or Python (I have a good level of understanding - VBA, Excel, Python, SQL, Power BI). Maybe good idea would be to create two similar apps (in different languages) and compare benefits and drawbacks of using them.At the end I will discuss the effectiveness of the app in solving the business problem and present the final look of the app.

Forretningsmæssig værdi

By creating an app together we can discover a new way of effective reporting. I am a huge fan of automatization and I think apps should be as easy for final customers as possible. My idea of creating an app is not only based about data which the company has but also data collected by for e.g. webscrapping. My idea is also two make two apps (in different languages) - so after all company maybe will want to change it because new one will be easier to use.

Emne motivation

I love data and management - thats why I have a Bachelor degree in Management (and Business Administration from Korean uni). I was wondering for a really long time how we can present an information from row data, to our managers, so as to they can make a decision easily. I have 1,5 year of job experience as a Risk Analyst in a bank, where my main task at work was to report our KPIs. I was thinking how I can make it better and how I can make it as easy (automation) as possible.

Hvorfor samarbejde med os

As I said before I have knowledge from two sides of the table. I studied how to prepare a data (data science) and also how to analyse already prepared data (management). I also have a job experience as a market risk analyst in a bank, where I made reports much easier. - I needed to left the job because I moved to Denmark. This country is really multinational and I am really interested in getting know other cultures. I studied in South Korea, Poland. Attended courses in the USA - and now it is time for Denmark. I will be really happy to join you (I also started to learn danish). After all I hope we will not say goodbye so early and I will be able to stay longer and make a difference.

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