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Alternative way to indicate directions for the user

Mobile App development


My idea is to create an app that would direct a user from place A to B by giving vibration signals to the user. The app would have a map on the interface and the user would insert where they want to go. Then the map would give signals by vibrating when the user needs to turn left or right. I argue this idea would be useful for people cycling if they don't want to have a phone in their hand while they cycle. Also if you run on a new route and you don't want to stop and check directions you could follow the vibration signals. 

Forretningsmæssig værdi

I believe the company would get an insight into how to interact with the user in an alternative way, if the user doesn't want to check the phone screen all the time when navigating.User research is always valuable since applications are made for users. Having an insight after doing some tests with the users, will give valuable information about how to implement the application so that it will be actually useful for the user. I believe that this would give a great advantage for the company if they would like to know more about giving information in an alternative way than the phone screen.

Emne motivation

I got my idea, while I was on a family holiday and I went to a run. I was in a completely new city and I needed to find back to our hotel. I really didn't want to stop after every intersection to check where to turn and this is where I started to brainstorm this idea. I believe this idea can also be used in many different use cases like while cycling or driving a car. Especially in Copenhagen people often cycle with their phones in their hands and navigate at the same time. This can be quite dangerous.

Hvorfor samarbejde med os

I really want to get more knowledge of mobile app development. An interesting and motivating way to do this is to implement an interesting application myself. This application would serve with great meaning. It will make the traffic safer since people would focus on the vibration signals given via the phone instead of staring at a map on the interface. It would also be a great help for blind people in the future to find their way home. I believe this project will give me more experience in app development which I can use after graduating and moving to work life. 

Projektforsker #1

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