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Why international operations fail

A case study of xyz....


In current times there is a pressure for internationalization of sales and/or operations in all sizes and types of companies. However, even though internationalization strategies have been carefully planned and executed according to the plan, it is far from always a success story.With my thesis I would like to use a case study approach, preferably with qualitative or mixed methods, to create a ‘lessons learned’ and understand why an international strategy failed to live up to expectations. I’m open towards all kinds of failed international strategies including:International sales (specific market or generally)Moving manufacturing/other operations abroadPartnerships/collaboration with foreign companies/institutionsHarmonization of processes between HQ and subsidiariesKnowledge sharing between HQ and subsidiariesI would like to apply theories from International Business, Strategy Implementation, and other areas, alongside a data collection that is relevant for the agreed upon business problem.What is of biggest importance for me is that I can apply some of the learnings from study to a real-life case. This means that I’m also open for other business problems, as long as it has an international perspective. 

Forretningsmæssig værdi

My thesis aims to give valuable insights to the case company, regarding their international operations. By understanding the reasons for why the international strategy failed, it should be easier to avoid such issues again. Maybe it will be possible to fix the issues and save the current strategy implementation that has been heading in the wrong direction, otherwise the case company will have a new toolbox of things to consider for future strategy formulation and implementation, so they can succeed as an international company.

Emne motivation

For my entire study, since I started at CBS 4 years ago, I have mainly been driven by real life cases and how I can apply what I have learned, outside of academia. Because of this real-life applicability, it is without doubt that I want to do a case study for a company with a real problem.The reason for choosing the area of why international strategy implementation does not live up to the expectations has been developed over time. As a student of international business, it was clear to me that I should write from an international perspective. The part about failed implementation came to me during my current semester where we have electives. I have chosen to focus on courses within strategy implementation, because this is not taught as part of the mandatory curriculum for cand.merc students, even though this is what most of us will do, once we have completed out studies. In these courses, I have learned that many cases of strategy implementation fail. I would like to learn even more about this topic, to understand why that is.

Hvorfor samarbejde med os

With my work- and educational background, I have acquired great analytical skills and a professional approach to problem-solving. I am a dedicated person, and value trust between us and strive to live up to all expectations.From my education, I have gained a great theoretical knowledge on topics like International Business and strategy formulation and implementation. In addition, I have learned how to obtain new knowledge with a critical reflection.In my student job as a part-time consultant, I have learned to have a structured approach to problem-solving and improved my skills within project management. This will ensure that I can work independently with results delivered within the agreed upon timeframe. As the consultancy company I work for focuses on process optimization and strategy implementation, I know that I have the skill set required to understand the case and process it to gain results.

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