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Strategic Analysis and Valuation of a company


Would love to help a company accelerating their growth via strategic analysis using a management consultant approach. This could be either through the launch of a new product, entry into a new market, M&A, optimization of internal processes or general business development of your company/organization. Furthermore, as a part of the analysis a valuation of your company could be conducted which can be used in the future. 

Forretningsmæssig værdi

My project could potentially have a great impact on your company. This could be within innovation, business development, financial value etc. I believe this will be very valuable and of great competitive advantage to your organization 

Emne motivation

I have extensive prior knowledge and experience writing these projects and find it super interesting to dig deep into a company and provide an actual value 

Hvorfor samarbejde med os

I have had a wide range of courses ranging from organizational theori, strategy insights to financial statements analysis and valuation. I wrote by bachelors degree on a strategic analysis on Sydbank and recieved a great grade for it. 

Projektforsker #1

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  • Kurser og resultater
  • Hard og soft skills
  • Erhvervserfaring

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