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Econometric and strategic analysis

Solving a complex problem for [Company name]


Econometric and strategic analysis of [company name] This thesis aims to conduct an in-depth analysis of a company within a specific industry. The selected company will be based on the availability of data from the company. The analysis will utilize a combination of econometric and strategic analysis techniques to evaluate the performance and potential of the company in relation to a specific problem field. The econometric analysis will most likely include regression analysis to forecast sales and/or pricing strategy. The strategic analysis will contribute to identifying the company’s competitive environment, business model, and industry trends, and evaluating the company’s strategy. The econometric and strategic analysis will provide a basis for a recommendation for improvement and future actions for the company. The findings of this research will provide insight into the company's strengths and weaknesses, and how the company should navigate to mitigate risk, and weaknesses within the specific problem field. Depending on the chosen problem field the company can potentially benefit from this thesis in their decision-making, identifying growth opportunities, or improving efficiency. 

Forretningsmæssig værdi

New insights. See "content"

Emne motivation

I have eager of becoming a business consultant. This thesis would help me improve my skills.

Hvorfor samarbejde med os

I am very dedicated into creating value for the company

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