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Junior software engineer to help build a scalable & dynamic electricity price extractor

Studiejob: Copenhagen

Løn: Konkurrencedygtig

Oprettet den: 25/06/2024

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Engineering & Technology
IT & Computer Science
API development
Database management
Cloud computing
Object oriented programming
Software development
Back-end development
Network programming

We are looking for a talented student/junior software engineer to take on an exciting development project in our startup:

Help build a Scalable & Dynamic Electricity Price Extractor.

Why Float?

Float’s mission is to create complete transparency around electricity consumption, detailing both the actual kWh used and, even more importantly, the cost. To develop a scalable solution capable of supporting the entire European grid, we need to develop a smart solution to extract prices from various databases. Our goal is to obtain all TSO (grid owners) and DSO tariffs, along with prices from all energy retailers. However, obtaining the prices via scraping/extracting is just one part of the challenge; we also need to build a low-maintenance solution that automatically notifies us of any changes made by the data providers.

Who are you?

Float is looking for a student with drive, a high degree of intellectual curiosity, and an eagerness to acquire unique hands-on experience. Every student working at Float is hired with the goal of joining Float when they graduate. Therefore, we assess candidates through that lens and offer an opportunity to join a highly ambitious and growing hardware and AI climate tech startup.

What will you be doing in Float?

In general:

  • Drive projects from inception to completion and present projects to org leadership
  • Be open to utilize the latest tools
  • Collaborate across the team as needed


  • Design scheduled jobs for continuously extracting price information from multiple 3rd party APIsCreate tools for continuously monitoring the 3rd party APIs and spawn notifications in case of critical changes
  • Work with the CTO to validate the accuracy of the calculated price.

Practical information

Salary: Attractive salary based on your qualifications.

Work hours: approx. 20 hours/week.

Location: We are located in the heart of Copenhagen.

Language: English and/or Danish speaking.

Start date: As soon as possible.


Does this opportunity sound interesting?

Apply directly with your Excelerate Profile using the link below. We are doing job interviews as new applicants come in.

We're looking forward to hearing from you!

At arbejde hos Float

Today, a surprisingly large amount of energy is wasted in homes every day – yes, even yours! This means money and CO2 are literally going up in smoke. Plus, as we fill our homes with new gadgets, devices, and appliances, the risk of electrical mishaps is climbing too.

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Work life balance

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Adgang til data

Data til dit projekt? Få adgang til dataressourcer til dit projekt.

Personlig supervisor

Professionel sparring til dit projekt? Få glæde af en personlig virksomhedssupervisor.

Onsite kontorplads

Praktisk studieplads? Få dit eget skrivebord på vores kontor.

Centralt kontor

Ville et centralt kontor være lækkert? Værsgo!

Fleksibelt arbejdstid

Tilpas din arbejdstid, så den passer til dit liv, uanset om du er en morgenfrisk eller en natteravn.

Gratis kaffe og te

Brug for et koffeinkick? Uendelig mængde af kaffe og te så du kan holde dig frisk.

Nær offentlig transport

Er du pendler? Bare rolig. Vi er naboer til offentlig transport.

Ansætter nyuddannede

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Er dit hjem, biblioteket eller måske en lokal café dit foretrukne arbejdssted? Det er op til dig.

Udvikling af færdigheder

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