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BI Student Assistant

Studiejob: København

Løn: Konkurrencedygtig

Oprettet den: 06/03/2025

Ansøgningsfrist: 17/03/2025

Finans, Revision & Regnskab
Økonomi & Forretningsrådgivning
IT, Data & Tech
Power BI
Analytisk tænkning

BI Student Assistant at Scaleup Finance

Are you interested in working with Business Intelligence in one of the fastest-growing startups in the Nordics?

We're currently seeking a student assistant to work with and further develop our internal BI solution in PowerBI.

About Scaleup Finance ApS

Scaleup Finance is founded by entrepreneurs, and we know the pains of being a scaleup CEO. One of the biggest recurring pains is the general administration surrounding bookkeeping, payroll, auditing, financial modelling and other admin-type tasks. They drain the founders of energy. Yet another pain is that no solution completely fits a scaleup company. The big accountancy firms or smaller bookkeeping companies/persons are not only expensive but also insufficient. Right now, no offer understands scaleup companies nor are they designed for their needs. The category is stuck in old ways of working, and scaleups do not get any added value. We need to move into a new generation of financial steering to help value creation in scaleups.

We believe in a world where anyone can found the business of their dreams. Our mission is that founders never need to worry about finance again.

Join the movement!

Your Qualifications

Personality, drive, and values are important to us. Additionally, we're looking for someone who checks some of these boxes:

  • Practical experience with PowerBI, DAX, and data transformation and modeling in Power Query
  • Practical experience with SQL databases.
  • Ability to work independently and proactively find solutions.
  • Structured and analytical in your approach to work.

Application deadline

Submit your application to Erik Asbjørn Arvid before the 17th of March 2025

At arbejde hos Scaleup Finance

​Hos Scaleup Finance hjælper vi voksende virksomheder med at tage deres finansielle styring til næste niveau. Vi tilbyder en finansiel management-platform, der automatiserer tidskrævende opgaver og leverer præcise data og strategisk indsigt. Vores team består af erfarne CFO'er og finansspecialister, der arbejder tæt sammen med kunder for at sikre informeret beslutningstagning og bæredygtig vækst.

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